When you start wow power leveling to run instances with a group, you should find the wow power leveling best and most powerful pet wow power leveling for that instance. Cats, boars, and bears are always great choices for instances due world of warcraft gold to their strength and speed in a fight. You can choose best wow gold which you prefer, as cats are great for cheapest wow gold instances where you need stealth to sneak on mobs, bears are great ff14 gil for brute strength for large mobs, and boars are great final fantasy gil for their toughness and speed as well. As for which is the best pet, there is no sure fire way to tell, which is why buy gil there are so many options in the game for hunters. Try training several final fantasy leveling different pets and just see which one works best for you as you quest and grind your way through the game. No one can tell you the perfect pet for you, you must learn this on your own through trial and error to see which pet is best for your character.